Protect Your Vision With Healthy Habits

Did you know it is estimated 895 million people worldwide will have some level of vision impairment by 2050. The Lancet reports it signals a 150 percent increase over the next 30 years and includes loss of vision from cataracts and glaucoma. Experts say while many vision problems can be treated, in some cases they can also be prevented by adopting simple, healthy habits.

If you have already gotten into the habit of wearing sunscreen and a sun-blocking hat when you are outdoors for any period, optometrists say you need to complete your protection by making sure to wear protective sunglasses. Exposure to UV increases our risk for cataracts and your sunglasses should have a label reading “100 percent protection from UV and UVB rays” or “100 percent protection against UV 400.” If you are outside working for long hours, consider wrap-around style sunglasses, and if you are doing work such as trimming bushes or chopping wood, be sure to wear safety sunglasses.

As the risk for eye diseases increases as we age, the National Institute on Aging recommends having your eyes checked regularly by an ophthalmologist or optometrist. For those over age 50, you should get a dilated eye exam every year or as recommended by your eye care professional. Regardless of age, most people with diabetes or high blood pressure need to get a dilated exam at least once a year.

Other ways to protect your eyes as you age is to eat a balanced diet with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. Additionally, stop smoking, maintain a healthy weight and stay physically active. If you do have high blood pressure or diabetes, you need to learn how to manage them and follow your doctor’s guidelines.

MorningStar of Hayward is a 55+ community designed to meet the needs of residents with a range of luxury amenities, senior care, hospitality services, wellness programs, and activities. Our beautiful community offers assisted living in Hayward, CA with a choice of spacious studio, alcove, one-bedroom and two-bedroom floor plans. In addition, our Reflections Neighborhood has suites devoted to those with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. Please contact us or visit our website to learn more about trusted senior living at MorningStar.

MorningStar has considered it a privilege and responsibility to “cast a new light” on senior living, inspired and empowered by our unique mission: to honor, to value, to invest. Our passionate commitment to serving seniors has proudly earned us a reputation for satisfaction that is second to none. Contact us for more information about the finest independent and assisted living Hayward has to offer.


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