Senior-Friendly Creative Outlets

As a senior, it is absolutely vital to your quality of life to stay mentally active, creative, and have hobbies and activities you can participate in whenever you want to. Having and fostering the growth of all of these things can help you improve your quality of life, mental health, and even your physical health. However, if you are a senior living in Lakewood and you have no creative outlets, keep reading for some inspiration on ways you can start to introduce more creativity into your life.

Take a Variety of Classes

If you are curious about anything at all, try taking a class for it! This can be especially amazing for seniors who spent a lot of their time working, rather than having the freedom to pursue their passions. These classes do not necessarily need to be “creative,” per se, but they should be about things that interest you and get your mind moving. If learning new things about history is exciting for you, then a historical class could be a great way to get your creative juices flowing, and your mind focused on something new and engaging.

Try Writing and/or Drawing

Writing and/or drawing are amazing ways to get emotions and creativity down on some kind of paper or canvas—or even in a digital way. Try writing/typing down whatever goes through your mind, whether it be fictional stories, music/songs, personal experiences, jokes, comments, etc. If you are more into blending shapes and colors, try doing some doodles, or even an involved piece of art. If you enjoy doing any of these things, keep going and see how much better you can become! Any way of getting your creativity flowing through writing or drawing, can be a wonderful way to engage with more parts of your brain, and get in touch with undiscovered parts of your inner self.

Crafty VS Practical

Another way to gauge the way your creativity flows is to try hobbies that are crafty vs hobbies that are practical. For example, cooking and sewing/crocheting/knitting can be considered practical hobbies, since they can provide meals and cloth items. Other creative pursuits that are more on the crafty side could include flower arranging, coloring/painting, origami, macrame, and more! Just give anything that interests you a try, and see what brings you the most joy.
Our mission statement of “to honor, to value, to invest” sets us apart from other senior living Lakewood has to offer. We have built a foundation on honoring God, valuing our seniors and selecting staff with a felt calling to serve. Set in a warm, loving atmosphere with beautiful surroundings and resort-style amenities, MorningStar at Applewood provides outstanding assisted living and memory care in Lakewood.


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