
Showing posts from September, 2023

Helping Mom or Dad Choose an Assisted Living Community

Once mom or dad has made the decision to move to an assisted living community, you will want it to go as smoothly as possible and this includes helping them choose the right place to meet today’s needs as well as the next 5 to 10 years. In some cases, a move to an assisted living community is precipitated by a worsening medical condition or an injury due to a fall and the time to mentally prepare oneself is short. This is why MorningStar of Boise has a guide to help families navigate through such a momentous change in a senior’s life. Googling senior living in the Boise, ID area will bring up quite a few hits, so experts recommend narrowing down the candidates to 3 or 4 communities that offer assisted living . Start with reading reviews from families and residents’ themselves to see what they say about the place, and then consider location, price and amenities. Touring a community is a real eye-opener and the Internet offers many tips on what to look for during your visit. At MorningS

Tips for Including Seniors In Thanksgiving Preparations

As Thanksgiving approaches, it's essential to remember that the holiday is about gratitude, family, and inclusion. Often, we need to pay more attention to the contribution of our elders, especially those in specialized living arrangements. Whether they reside in assisted living in Lakewood , enjoy the ambiance of senior living in Lakewood, or are part of the community at memory care in Lakewood, they have a lifetime of experience and love to offer. Here are some great ways to ensure our seniors are actively included in the Thanksgiving preparations: Storytelling and Tradition Sharing : Invite seniors to share Thanksgiving stories from their youth. This keeps them engaged and imparts invaluable family traditions and histories to the younger generation. Recipe Incorporation : Many seniors have family recipes that have been passed down. Collaborate with them to incorporate these dishes into the Thanksgiving feast. Those at assisted living in Lakewood or other homes might even have co

Downsizing Offers a Fresh Start for Seniors

Instead of feeling sad about moving from a home that perhaps is too large or costly for you to care for, think about moving into a smaller apartment as the start of a new adventure. However, to do it right, you should be organized. Experts suggest you only take with you the things that bring joy and find ways to get rid of the rest. If that piece of advice still finds you with way too much stuff, then take a moment to picture how you want your new life to look. Is it a sleek, minimalist décor or more like a smaller, compact version of your present home? Some simple solutions to help you decorate your new apartment include bringing with you or buying multi-purpose furniture. This could include upholstered storage benches or cubes, nesting coffee tables, extension desks, and sized-down sofa and chairs more suited to a compact footprint. Attractive baskets and storage carts also help to make a small place feel more organized. If you want to use some of your current furniture, meas

How to Help Seniors Stay Healthy During Flu Season

Flu season is upon us, and while it poses a risk for everyone, senior adults are especially vulnerable. As immunity naturally weakens, the flu can lead to severe complications in older individuals. Whether your loved ones are at home, in assisted living in Lakewood , enjoying the community of senior living in Lakewood , or are part of the compassionate environment of memory care in Lakewood, there are specific measures we can take to help protect them.  Here's how you can help seniors stay healthy during the flu season. Vaccination : The flu vaccine is the first line of defense. Ensure that seniors get their annual flu shot, which is often tailored to combat the strains expected to be most prevalent that year. Good Hand Hygiene : Regular handwashing with soap for at least 20 seconds can prevent the spread of many germs. In community environments, this practice can significantly deter the flu. Healthy Eating : Boosting the immune system through nutrition is vital. Encourage a diet r

MorningStar’s Independent and Assisted Living in Boise

Since our company was founded in 2003, we have believed it is a privilege to “cast a new light” on senior living guided by the following precepts: to honor God in our business practices and relationships; value all seniors as gifted and contributing individuals; and invest generously in our team’s ability to serve well. In addition, we firmly believe the human capacity to grow, to learn and to contribute is ageless. If you are looking for an exceptional retirement home in Boise, MorningStar may be the place for you. MorningStar of Boise is designed to provide seniors with stress-free living, as we handle the maintenance, landscaping, and housekeeping. This leaves you free to pursue your interests, explore new hobbies, travel and meet new friends. Our luxury community provides all the services, resort-style amenities, and programs to ensure residents a lifestyle of comfort, wellness and security. Starting with a five-star dining service that includes meals prepared largely from scratc

Helpful Tips for Cooking Safely with Seniors

The kitchen often serves as the heart of the home, a place filled with cherished memories, aromas of meals past, and the joy of communal cooking. As family members age, ensuring that the kitchen remains a safe space for them becomes crucial. Whether your loved ones are living independently, in assisted living in Lakewood , experiencing the comfort of senior living in Lakewood , or are part of the nurturing environment of memory care in Lakewood, these safety tips are essential for anyone assisting or cooking alongside seniors. Organized Workspace : Ensure that all ingredients, utensils, and equipment are within easy reach for seniors. This minimizes the risk of them stretching or reaching out precariously for something. Slip-Resistant Mats : Use slip-resistant mats in the kitchen area. This absorbs accidental spills and provides a firm footing for seniors. Clear Lighting : Good lighting is essential, especially for those with diminishing eyesight. Ensure that countertops and stove area

Halloween Costume Ideas for Seniors

Halloween isn't just for kids; it's a celebration for all ages! As the air gets crisper and pumpkins begin to adorn doorsteps, everyone, including our spirited seniors, can partake in the excitement of dressing up. Whether you're residing in assisted living in Lakewood , enjoying the vibrant community of senior living in Lakewood, or are a beloved part of memory care in Lakewood , these costume ideas are tailored to spark joy and ignite the festive spirit. Classic Movie Stars : Think of Hollywood's Golden Age. Ladies can channel their inner Marilyn Monroe or Audrey Hepburn, while gentlemen might fancy themselves as Humphrey Bogart or Cary Grant. Decade Throwback : Dress up in attire from your favorite decade! Be it the roaring '20s flapper dresses, the groovy '60s, or even the rock-n-roll '80s – the choices are endless and fun! Literary Characters : From Sherlock Holmes to Miss Marple, dressing up as a beloved literary character is iconic and sparks conversa

Lose Weight by Substituting Lower Calorie Foods

Experts say it isn’t just our imagination that losing weight gets harder the older we become but is most likely due to having less muscle mass, which burns more calories than fat. To help, they offer easy tips on how to painlessly replace calorie-laden foods with healthier, lower-calorie substitutes. In addition to the fact that nutrient-rich foods appear to help individuals be successful in their quest to lose weight, meals do not necessarily have to be smaller than your average intake. Dietitians suggest an easy food swap is to drink water flavored with lemon slices or sparkling water rather than sugary sodas. One study found that by replacing refined grains with whole grains it “improved blood cholesterol levels and decreased percent of body fat in postmenopausal women.” Replacing sugary granola with heart-healthy oatmeal can also help control your weight. Not only is oatmeal a good source of soluble fiber known to reduce cholesterol but it contains magnesium and potassium known to

Improve the Lives of Those With Dementia Using Music and Art

Multiple studies report on the benefits of using music and art to improve the lives of those with Alzheimer’s and other dementia-related diseases. Experts explain they help encourage engagement and self-expression even in more advanced stages. Professionals who work with Alzheimer’s patients say music seems to decrease agitation and improves behavioral problems common in the middle stages of the disease. Patients in later stages may even be able to sing a song they knew from childhood or tap a foot to the beat even after other forms of communication are difficult. Dancing or gently moving to a rhythm helps coordinate motor movements as well as allows the person to express emotions. Research shows “musical memories are often preserved in Alzheimer's disease because key brain areas linked to musical memory are relatively undamaged by the disease.” If you wish to use music to calm and soothe, choose peaceful, tranquil pieces. If you want to boost spirits and bring back happy memories,

Autumn Activities for the Elderly: Embracing the Golden Moments in Lakewood, CO

The best time of year has arrived! Autumn in Lakewood, CO, unfolds in a burst of colors, bringing a crispness that stirs memories and evokes a sense of nostalgia. Whether our beloved seniors are in assisted living in Lakewood, enjoying senior living in Lakewood, or availing services from memory care in Lakewood, this season can be a time of rejuvenation, joy, and new experiences. Here are some delightful autumn activities tailored for the senior living community to immerse themselves in the magic of this beautiful time of year. Nature Walks: Senior living in Lakewood boasts scenic spots perfect for gentle strolls. The falling leaves and cool breeze can be therapeutic and enriching. Craft Sessions: Autumn provides a myriad of crafting opportunities. From leaf prints to making wreaths, seniors can channel their creativity and even involve their families and friends in these projects. Cooking and Baking: Seasonal recipes can bring warmth to chilly days. Pumpkin pies, apple crisps, or ev

MorningStar of Hayward’s Five-Star Dining Experience

MorningStar of Hayward is a vibrant 55+ community ideally located in the East Bay region and offers scenic views in every direction including the Bay, San Francisco skyline and Hayward Hills. We are one of seven MorningStar communities either operating or under construction in California. As a MorningStar of Hayward resident, you will be treated to a whole host of resort-style amenities and services including a five-star dining experience. All residents are treated to meals prepared under the supervision of our Executive Chef and served restaurant-style in our beautiful dining room. We understand that food is a healing medicine unlike any other and is one of the great joys of living. We also know food always tastes better and is enjoyed more when shared in community and breaking bread together helps to bond us as a family and as friends. Our meals are prepared largely from scratch using the freshest ingredients from the highest quality local producers. MorningStar’s Chef looks for

Choosing the Right Assisted Living Community

For anyone considering a move to assisted living, choosing the right community is a big decision as getting it wrong may mean another move within a couple of months. To help, senior living experts say the first thing to do is to think about the level of care you or a loved one needs to improve quality of life. After you have a pretty good idea of what your needs are, now factor in things like location and affordability. If mom or dad needs help with the ADLs (activities of daily living) focus only on senior communities offering assisted living . If you want the home to be a convenient drive for easy visiting, concentrate on those communities. If mom or dad no longer drives, look for a community offering transportation for doctor appointments or errands; or if they plan to bring a car, does it offer parking? Does the home offer 24/7 care, medication management and access to licensed nurses? Obviously, affordability is an important consideration, but senior living advocates warn don’t be

Is Dementia the Same as Alzheimer’s Disease?

Many of us, especially seniors, have heard or known someone with Alzheimer’s disease and have an idea of the devastation it causes. While there are other types of diseases categorized as dementia, Alzheimer’s is by far the most common form of dementia accounting for 60 to 80 percent of cases. You should know dementia is not actually a specific disease but refers to a decline in a person’s mental ability to such a degree it interferes with their daily life. It is also important to understand dementia is not a normal condition of aging but rather caused by damage to brain cells that affect a person’s memory, reasoning and other cognitive skills including an ability to communicate. There are several types of clinical dementia including: Alzheimer’s disease; vascular dementia; dementia with Lewy Body; and frontotemporal dementia. Mixed dementia is the term used when a person has both Alzheimer’s and another form of dementia, which is causing their mental decline. The Alzheimer’s Associatio

Scrapbooking With Your Favorite Senior

If an elderly parent or another loved one is in a senior living community and has limited mobility, you may feel it is difficult to think of things to talk about or to do when you visit. Scrapbooking is an activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Also, it can be more than just a means to pass the time and preserve memories for seniors but can be beneficial to them as well. By organizing an activity such as scrapbooking, it can help to keep everyone engaged as well as inspire your loved one to start sharing stories about the “good old days.” As you start documenting their life story, it will likely bring back memories they may have forgotten and/or the rest of the family has never heard. Along with exercising the brain with recollections of the past, scrapbooking can boost self-esteem, improve one’s dexterity and increase socialization by introducing new topics of conversation. To get started, visit your local craft store or shop on the Internet for scrapbooking supplies

How the Foods You Eat May Impact Your Sleep

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend adults get at least seven hours of sleep every night. Good sleep quality is also important. Signs of poor quality sleep include not feeling rested even after getting enough sleep, repeatedly waking up during the night, and experiencing symptoms of sleep disorders such as insomnia, restless leg syndrome or sleep apnea. Experts say a good night’s sleep enhances memory, improves mood and regulates appetite. Experts offer some tips to help individuals achieve better sleep by the choice of foods consumed as well as what food or drink to avoid. Foods interfering with sleep include caffeine and large meals as well as alcohol consumed too close to bedtime. As a deficiency of folate is linked to insomnia, a study from the Taipei Medical University found eating two kiwis, which are high in B vitamin folate and vitamins C and E, an hour before bed helped participants fall asleep faster, sleep longer and more efficiently. Another food to

Getting Enough Sleep Impacts Many Aspect of Our Lives

The American Heart Association offers a checklist of eight key measures for improving and maintaining cardiovascular health. The Life’s Essential 8 is designed to highlight things we can do to lower our risk for heart disease, stroke and other major health problems. In 2022, the Association added sleep duration to the list as a component of heart health. They say the amount and quality of sleep can influence a person’s eating habits, mood, memory, internal organs and more. One advantage to getting enough sleep is being more productive. After spending years working long hours to the detriment of a good night’s sleep, Ariana Huffington now says, “The irony is that a lot of people forgo sleep in the name of productivity. But in fact our productivity is reduced substantially when we’re sleep deprived.” Professor of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School, Charles Czeisler, explains being sleep deprived can impair your abilities and is like being drunk. Poor sleep habits can cause you to e

Luxury Senior Living at MorningStar of Mission Viejo

MorningStar of Mission Viejo, a vibrant 55+ community, has a range of options including independent living, assisted living and memory care as well as short-term stays. We want prospective residents and their families to know we are here to answer all their questions, and once the decision is made to join our community, we provide the support needed to ensure a smooth transition. Our apartments for independent living offer seniors a refreshing change of lifestyle with built-in companionship, predictable budgeting, activities and programming, and tasty meals they no longer need to cook. It also provides peace of mind knowing that if you ever find yourself needing help with daily personal care; we can make sure you get it. Moreover, contrary to what many think about assisted living , it is designed to help seniors maintain their sense of independence. By providing assistance with the ADLs (activities of daily living), residents can focus on living their life to the fullest. Upon joi

Memory Care at MorningStar of Hayward

Along with independent and assisted living, Hayward, CA’s MorningStar community offers memory care suites for those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. Our care services are extensive, and we provide a wide range of amenities, wellness programs and activities. MorningStar of Hayward’s memory care revolves around comforting and caring for our most tender residents from the onset of the disease to the most advanced stages. We start with a physical space designed to enhance residents’ quality of life with safe, inviting common areas encouraging independence. Residents stay active with a gentle flow of activities including art, dance, physical exercise, special events, and scheduled outings. Once a resident joins our MorningStar family, we meet with them and their family to get to know as much as we can about them including their history, vocation, talents, and preferences. From there we create a daily routine designed to stimulate or calm as a situation requir

Senior-Friendly Creative Outlets

As a senior, it is absolutely vital to your quality of life to stay mentally active, creative, and have hobbies and activities you can participate in whenever you want to. Having and fostering the growth of all of these things can help you improve your quality of life, mental health, and even your physical health. However, if you are a senior living in Lakewood and you have no creative outlets, keep reading for some inspiration on ways you can start to introduce more creativity into your life. Take a Variety of Classes If you are curious about anything at all, try taking a class for it! This can be especially amazing for seniors who spent a lot of their time working, rather than having the freedom to pursue their passions. These classes do not necessarily need to be “creative,” per se, but they should be about things that interest you and get your mind moving. If learning new things about history is exciting for you, then a historical class could be a great way to get your creative ju