What is an Advance Care Directive?

An advanced directive is a legal document giving you a voice involving medical decisions in the event you are incapacitated. Many people shy away from creating such documents as they fail to realize how important they are, and mistakenly worry they are signing away their lives, and/or don’t like thinking about being so ill they are unable to make decisions.

Advance care planning documents may include a living will, power of attorney and health care proxy. By planning ahead, they guide decisions made on your behalf if you are unable, and suffer from an incurable, irreversible illness, condition or disease determined to be terminal. Living wills specify the kind of medical treatment desired and many simply express the desire to not be given life-sustaining measures that only serve to prolong a person’s death. Specific details may regard care including the use of pain medications, antibiotics, hydration, feeding and the use of cardiopulmonary resuscitation or ventilators.

A health care proxy is someone designated to express your wishes for medical care and has the same rights you would in requesting or refusing treatment. A durable power of attorney document names a person to act on your behalf if you are incapacitated and gives them the power to make financial decisions.

The Harvard Medical School reports on some of the myths people have regarding advance care directives. They say you need to realize more care is not always better but can prolong the dying process without respect for quality of life or comfort. Refusing life support does not mean you are committing suicide but rather allowing your medical problem to be the cause of your death. Moreover, refusing life-extending treatment does not mean you are refusing comfort measures for pain management and symptoms. Talk to your family and doctor about your medical preferences, and be sure each has a copy of your advance directive documents.

If you are looking for exceptional independent living or assisted living, MorningStar of Mission Viejo may be your answer. We offer residents comfort, security, built-in companionship, and predictable budgeting. Our beautiful home has suites in a selection of floor plans and a broad range of amenities and services to meet every need. In addition, our Reflections Neighborhood provides compassionate care to those with memory impairment. Please see our website for more information about our new community scheduled to open in May 2023.

MorningStar takes tremendous pride in the reputation we have earned for excellence and authenticity since our inception in 2003. We believe the human capacity to grow, to learn and to contribute is ageless; and we act upon that truth daily, as we care for, inspire, and love the residents under our roof. Contact us to learn more about the finest independent living, assisted living, and memory care in Mission Viejo.


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