
Showing posts from November, 2023

Winter Skincare Tips for Elderly Skin

As winter sets in, the harsh, cold weather can take a toll on the skin, especially for the elderly. The residents of assisted living Lakewood, senior living Lakewood, and memory care Lakewood communities often face unique skincare challenges during these colder months. Dry air, both outdoors and indoors, can lead to dry, irritated skin. Fortunately, with the right care and attention, seniors can maintain healthy, hydrated skin throughout the winter. 1. Moisturize Regularly: One of the most important steps in winter skincare for the elderly is regular moisturization. As skin tends to lose moisture faster in winter, applying a good quality, thick moisturizer immediately after bathing can lock in moisture. For those in senior living Lakewood communities, ask the staff about recommended hypoallergenic products that are gentle on the skin. 2. Stay Hydrated: Internal hydration is just as crucial. Drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day helps maintain the skin's natural moisture b

Winter Birdwatching: A Senior’s Guide to Enjoying Nature Indoors

Winter in Lakewood brings a unique charm, especially for nature enthusiasts. Birdwatching, a serene and delightful hobby, doesn't have to end as the temperatures drop. For seniors in assisted living Lakewood communities , as well as those in senior living Lakewood and memory care Lakewood facilities, enjoying the beauty of birdwatching can be easily adapted for the indoors. Here’s how you can enjoy this tranquil activity from the comfort of your warm abode. 1. Set Up a Bird Feeder Near a Window : One of the simplest ways to attract birds is by setting up a bird feeder. Choose a window where you spend most of your time, perhaps where you read or relax. Bird feeders can attract a variety of species, providing an up-close view of these beautiful creatures. 2. Invest in a Good Pair of Binoculars : A good pair of binoculars can enhance your bird watching experience significantly. They allow you to see details and colors of birds that may not be visible to the naked eye. For residents in

MorningStar of Boise’s Approach to Senior Living

MorningStar of Boise is a part of the MorningStar Senior Living Company , which takes a unique, holistic approach to retirement communities. We are proud of our reputation for excellence and authenticity in why we serve and how we serve; and hold true to the belief that the human capacity to grow, to learn and to contribute is ageless. Our company has thrived and expanded since its conception in 2003, when Founder/CEO Ken Jaeger started the company with the intention to “cast a new light” on senior living . From there our mission statement reads: Honor God in our business practices and relationships; Value all seniors as gifted and contributing individuals; and Invest generously in our team’s ability to serve well. Even the name MorningStar has meaning regarding the kind of home we want to offer residents. Mr. Jaeger explains, “I had been searching for a company name for months. I wanted something that was alive and comforting, but offered a powerful, guiding force—even more, a name th

Is Caring for an Elderly Parent More Than You Can Handle?

Being a caregiver for an elderly parent or another loved one can be stressful and over time your duties can increase to a point where it is more than you can handle. For your wellbeing and that of your parent’s, it is probably time to make a change. Today’s senior living communities offer a range of options including assisted living , designed to provide help with the ADLs (activities of daily living). This level of care allows the senior to regain their sense of independence; and for you, your time with mom or dad goes back to just enjoying being together. Senior living communities like MorningStar of Boise offer residents much more than just comprehensive physical care. Residents enjoy a whole range of amenities and services as well as the opportunity to make new friends. At MorningStar of Boise, once the family decides to entrust us with the care of their loved one, we do a thorough evaluation of the person's medical history, background and personal preferences. Then we create a

Protect Yourself From Identity Theft

Identity theft is the illegal use of a person’s Social Security number, credit card or other personal information to commit a crime. According to a report from Javelin Strategy & Research, identity fraud cost 40 million Americans a combined $43 billion in 2022. While this figure was $9 billion less than 2021, financial service providers and consumers should be as vigilant as ever about protecting personal identifying information. Although financial institutions are doing what they can to protect our personal information from those who wish to fraudulently use it, we can also take steps to protect ourselves. The first tip is to never give your bank account and Social Security numbers to people over the phone. Many scammers claim to be from your bank or a government entity and tell the person they are trying to protect them, when in fact they are doing the opposite. Remember the Social Security office or your bank is not going to call you and ask for your number. Another way to preve

Misconceptions About Over-the-Counter Medications

Medical professionals worry far too many people do not use over-the-counter (OTC) medications according to stated directions. The most commonly used OTC medications are for pain management, allergy treatments and to reduce the symptoms of flu. US News & World Report conducted a survey in March 2023 of more than 350 pharmacists nationwide from chain, independent and hospital pharmacies regarding their views on patients’ compliance with OTC drugs. The results showed 9 out of 10 pharmacists agreed consumers believe too many myths about OTC medications. The list of some of the most commonly-held misconceptions includes: It’s okay for children to take adult OTC medications as long as the doses are reduced. It’s okay to double-dose OTC medications when I forget a dose. Natural or organic supplements are safer than other OTC medications. The bathroom is a good place to store OTC medications. It’s okay to take OTC medications after their expiration dates. It’s okay to cut, crush or chew

Retirement is the Time to Try Something New

If you are retired, you probably have more time on your hands so why not try something new or something you have always wanted to do. This should include adding physical activity to your daily routine as studies find many adults 65 years and older spend up to 10 hours a day sitting or lying down. Some of the best exercises for seniors are walking, tai chi, and yoga. Chair exercises are a great substitute for those with mobility issues. Experts say focus on improving your strength, balance and flexibility and check with your healthcare provider before beginning any exercise routine. In addition, you may want to include activities or hobbies that bring you into social contact with others. This can be done by taking a class online or in person. Suggestions include joining a book club, learning to play an instrument or taking an art or photography class. Retirement means more time to learn how to cook or to be more adventurous in the types of food you prepare. It can be lots of fun and hel

Could You or a Loved One Benefit From Assisted Living?

For many seniors, there comes a time when they feel they are not living life on their own terms, and routine, day-to-day activities start becoming more difficult. To determine if assisted living is the right choice for a parent or another loved one, experts say you need to consider the amount of care they require daily. If it is more personal care than he/she can get (or afford) with in-home services or in an independent living community, yet they don’t need 24-hour medical care and supervision, assisted living is the ideal option. People often confuse assisted living with nursing homes; however, they are not the same thing. Nursing homes provide around-the-clock skilled nursing care while assisted living provides help with the ADLs (activities of daily living) to enhance residents’ quality of life within a residential setting. While some families may experience sticker shock when first learning the cost of assisted living, you need to consider everything it includes. For example, Mor

Activities for People Living With Alzheimer’s Disease

An article in the online publication, Medical News Today, suggests activities that can provide a person with Alzheimer’s disease a sense of normality and to help enrich their life. A study from 2020 reported meaningful activities are important for those with dementia as they can improve both psychological and physical health. One suggestion of an indoor activity is to sit with the person and look through photo albums of family together. This is an effective way to engage the person and is typically enjoyable. Another relaxing activity can be listening to the person’s favorite music; or if they are more hands-on, do an arts and crafts project. Playing an instrument has much the same calming effect. Researchers say studies show knitting and crocheting to be calming activities for those with Alzheimer’s. Not only does it help reduce anxiety and depression, but the person gets a sense of accomplishment. Moreover, done within a group setting, it can lessen feelings of loneliness and isolati

MorningStar of Mission Viejo Offers Individualized, Compassionate Memory Care

Along with independent and assisted living, MorningStar of Mission Viejo provides suites in our Reflections Neighborhood for those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. Our care services are extensive, and we provide a wide range of amenities, wellness programs and activities. MorningStar’s memory care revolves around comforting and caring for our most tender residents from the onset of the disease to the most advanced stages. We start with a physical space designed to enhance residents’ quality of life with safe, inviting common areas encouraging independence. Residents stay active with a gentle flow of activities including art, dance, physical exercise, special events, and scheduled outings. Once a resident joins our MorningStar family, we meet with them and their family to get to know as much as we can about them including their history, vocation, talents, and preferences. From there we create a daily routine designed to stimulate or calm as a situation re

Send Something Special to Your Favorite Senior

Do you have an elderly relative living alone or in a senior community who lives too far to visit? How about sending something special to show your thinking of them even if it’s not their birthday or a holiday. One idea is to send them a gift basket filled with goodies to eat and drink, gifts to entertain, and items to make their lives a little easier or more pleasant. For your coffee drinking parent or grandparent, a bag of gourmet coffee and a nice new mug is one way to start your basket, or add a collection of teas that include decaffeinated and herbal options. Do they love chocolate or prefer salty snacks? Adjust your selection to include high-end chocolates and other delightful treats or a nice selection of crackers and cheeses. For a book lover, add a novel you think they would enjoy or a coffee table book on famous gardens, architecture, maps, photography or wherever matches their interest. Now pack the basket with items such as jigsaw puzzles, crosswords, word-search book

Luxury Independent Living in Hayward, CA

Are you ready for a lifestyle change? While you may have retired from your career, we know you have not retired from life but rather looking forward to a whole new chapter. Along with assisted living and memory care, MorningStar of Hayward offers independent seniors well-designed apartments, onsite amenities and a community of friends. Today’s seniors are not only living longer but are more engaged and active than their parents and grandparents were in their later years. Retirement in 2023 is the time to enjoy hobbies, pursue new interests, travel, and renew yourself through volunteerism or hanging out with the grandkids – not worrying about home maintenance and repairs. Time is precious and life needs to be lived to the fullest. MorningStar of Hayward’s five-star dining service puts meal preparation and clean-up in our hands and frees you for a before dinner stroll through our beautiful grounds. Like a treat after dinner? Walk over to our ice cream parlor, chat with friends and enjoy

Lower Your Risk of a Stroke

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that every 40 seconds a person has a stroke and every 3 minutes and 14 seconds someone dies from one. While that is alarming, the CDC says that almost 80 percent of strokes can be prevented. Did you know that one of the leading causes of strokes is high blood pressure, also called hypertension, and is the most prevalent health condition facing Americans? Statistics show nearly half (48%) of US adults have hypertension, and as people age, their blood pressure goes up. Experts believe about 70% of people 65 years and older have hypertension and should take steps to reduce it. If you fall into that age group or are at risk for HBP, start by regularly monitoring your blood pressure. If high, work with your doctor to find ways to lower it including getting more exercise and eating a healthy diet. Another way to help prevent strokes is to quit smoking. Smoking reduces the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream and forces the heart to work harde

Moving to MorningStar of Mission Viejo

At MorningStar Senior Living of Mission Viejo, we are experts in providing seniors with first-class independent living, assisted living and memory care. In fact, every aspect of our community is designed to offer a relaxing lifestyle enabling you to fully enjoy your retirement years. This includes providing support to residents and their families starting with the all-important decision process and carries through to the move-in and transition period. A great way to start is to take a look at our Senior Life guide. Along with our knowledgeable team, it is a great resource in aiding families who are deciding if the time is right for assisted living or memory care. When it comes to the move-in process, our team helps in whatever way we can (see our detailed description of what is involved in our FAQs). We recognize moving into a retirement community is a major lifestyle transition for a senior and approach the moment with the utmost sensitivity. Our MorningStar team nurtures a relation

Study Shows Link Between Hearing Loss and Cognitive Decline

According to the Medical News Today website, studies find hearing loss may contribute to social isolation, lower quality of life, disability, depression, and dementia. This can be especially problematic for people aged 80 years and older, who tend to have more advanced hearing losses. In 2015, researchers reported on a 25-year study, which focused on a link between hearing loss and dementia. At the start of the study, the 3,670 participants were 65 years or older and followed for over 25 years. Using the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) to measure cognitive decline, researchers say there appeared to be a correlation between self-reported hearing loss and cognitive decline. However, participants who used hearing aids did not show a significant cognitive decline, suggesting the use of hearing aids may offer a protective effect. Experts say hearing loss may adversely impact a person’s ability to socialize as they miss out on vital verbal and emotional information that may directly imp