Try Something New in Your Retirement Years

If you are retired, you probably have more time on your hands so why not try something new or something you have always wanted to do. This should include adding a physical activity to your daily routine as studies find many adults 65 years and older spend up to 10 hours a day sitting or lying down. Some of the best exercises for seniors are Nordic walking, swimming, golf, tai chi, and yoga. Experts say focus on improving your strength, balance and flexibility and check with your healthcare provider before beginning any exercise routine. In addition, you may want to include activities or hobbies that bring you into social contact with others . This can be done by taking a class online or in person. Suggestions include joining a book club, learning to play an instrument or taking an art or photography class. Retirement means more time to learn how to cook or to be more adventurous in the types of food you prepare. It can be lots of fun and help you eat healthier and save money. Take the ...