
It Can Take Time for a Loved One to Adapt to a Memory Care Community

If you have a loved one with Alzheimer’s or another dementia-related disease, you most likely understand the challenge of introducing changes into their day-to-day routine. One big change, which can be stressful for all involved, is when a family decides it is time to move a parent or another loved one into a senior living community offering memory care . A Place for Mom’s website warns families it can take a while for a loved one to adapt. They encourage the family to take an optimistic view about the move, and help the person focus on the positive aspects of the community, talking up the programs and activities, quality of care, and the social interactions. Moreover, rather than spending time second-guessing your decision, remember you carefully searched for the best place for your loved one and now you need to trust the experts at the community. A few of the tips to help your loved one’s transition is to fix up the suite much like their old home, adding family photos and other favor

Sleep is Just as Important as Exercise and Diet

Research clearly shows that getting enough sleep each night is important to our good health and well-being. In fact, doctors say it is as vital to one’s health as is regular exercise and eating a balanced diet, and the benefits extend into most every aspect of our lives. While scientists are unable to directly link lack of sleep to weight gain, evidence suggests that it may interfere with our body’s ability to regulate food intake correctly. One study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, a publisher of high-impact research reports, commentaries, perspectives, and reviews, found that sleep patterns do affect the hormones responsible for appetite. Getting enough sleep should also be an essential part of an athlete’s training regimen as adequate sleep helps to improve both physical and mental performance. A good night’s rest has been proven to refuel athletes and give them more intensity and energy as well as faster speed. Doctors re

Those Living With Alzheimer’s Disease Benefit From Meaningful Activities

The Alzheimer’s Association explains that a person with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of  dementia shouldn’t give up the activities they love. Rather they suggest the better option is to modify the activity to better fit their skill set and current ability. However, even in the early stages of the disease, many withdraw from the activities they used to enjoy but experts say it is important to help them stay engaged. A modification can be as simple as reducing the number of people the person socializes with at a time. Smaller groups are less intimidating and reduce confusion. Also, it helps to let the person’s other family members and friends know about the diagnosis. As the disease progresses, other changes will likely be in order. If you notice an activity that seems to make them restless or irritable, either modify so it brings them happiness or stop it altogether. For instance, while a person’s skills may decline, someone who plays the piano may still enjoy playing the simple

Help Maintain Your Flexibility and Mobility With Stretching Exercises

If you are an older adult who wants to start exercising again, you may not know how to begin. For one thing, you probably realize you are not as fit as you used to be, and are not up to the same degree of physical activity that you once did. And of course, before you begin any new form of exercise, you will need to check with your doctor to make sure you are fit enough, especially if you have osteoporosis, an injury, or balance issues. Once you get the go ahead from your healthcare provider, stretching is a good place to begin. In fact, studies show that as we grow older our flexibility decreases by up to 50 percent in some joints. Another good thing about stretching is many exercises are appropriate for any level of fitness including ones that can be done sitting in a chair. Stretching can help you maintain your flexibility and mobility as well as loosen up some of your stiffness in your back, neck and shoulder muscles. Another plus about stretching exercises is that most of them

Get the Care You Need at MorningStar of Hayward

For outstanding assisted living, Hayward, CA area seniors and their families are encouraged to consider MorningStar, the perfect community to age in place comfortably and safely. By defining health and wellbeing holistically, our home provides services and programming that support the whole person - body, mind and spirit. Together our Life Enrichment programs and Wellness Care services complement one another to ensure each resident gets the best care. As a testament to the full scope of our services, we look for creative solutions within the full authority of our license through the Department of Health to help extend the stay of the resident if they experience changes in their health. These solutions can yield a higher quality of care at a lower cost to the family and provide a welcomed continuity of care for the resident. We are also proud that our assisted living residents benefit from our Electronic Health Record (EHR) system. This centralized mobile station ensures accurate


As we grow older, a wide range of physical ailments start to develop symptoms. Healthcare issues such as osteoporosis are especially common for seniors. One medical condition that does not receive as much publicity for older adults is called carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). CTS is considered one of the most common maladies of the hand that impacts residents at our assisted living facility in Boise, Idaho . Repetitive hand motions made over several years contribute to the development of CTS. What Are the Symptoms of CTS? Unlike other types of medical conditions that negatively affect older adults, the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome gradually develop over many years. The symptoms of CTS start with a mild numbness or tingling that is barely felt. The numbness or tingling might begin to develop in one hand or fingers before the mildness of the symptoms turns into more of an electric shock feeling that develops every time you move your hand or fingers. You also might lose strength in the i


“Be prepared.” It is the motto of the largest scouting organization in the United States, but it has equal relevance for older adults who plan to transition into an assisted living facility in Boise, Idaho. According to the United tates Census Bureau, Americans move an average of 11.7 times during their lives. However, no move is more difficult than moving from an independent lifestyle to one that requires some level of assistance. Start with Logistics Moving from a home into an apartment at one of the retirement communities in Boise means your loved one must downsize to accommodate the new living arrangement. Although your loved one might insist on keeping several items based on sentimentality alone, you are going to have to convince your loved one to leave some items behind. Start by donating heavy, oversized furniture to an organization such as Goodwill or The Salvation Army. Host a garage sale to downsize clothing, jewelry, and throw rugs. Your loved one also can lighten the load